To the Editor:
In the March 7 issue of the Herald, there was an article about the Nolanville EDC wanting to attract new businesses.
They could begin by stopping the traffic trap on Avenue H between Main Street and 10th Street.
There has been little or no work done for many weeks, yet the “no thru traffic signs” remain.
There is not a safety issue as Avenue H in this area is in better shape than most of the streets in the plaza and traffic is allowed on them.
There was also an article in the Herald about WCID No. 3. The last time I was there I asked when my deposit would be returned.
I was told deposits are not returned until service is disconnected, no matter how many years went by.
According to the Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part One, Chapter 291, Subchapter E, rule No. 291.84, paragraph d, interest must be paid on deposits.
In paragraph 2, when bills are paid for 18 consecutive months, the deposit must be refunded with interest.
It seems to me Nolanville must clean up its act if it wants to attract new retail businesses.
Edward D. Mitchell
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